To state the obvious, it is going to be a bit blowy on Sunday.
Currently river conditions are good, the wind direction is as good as it could be and despite the gusts yesterday and today the water remained relatively flat. There will be challenges at both ends of the course, boating and marshalling, but we believe the event is safe to run. With the forecast in mind, if coaches feel that their crews lack experience marshalling in strong winds and wish to scratch, we will refund entries. To do this, please e mail the entries secretary TODAY explain why you wish to scratch. DO NOT SCRATCH ON BROE.
Please make sure crews are prepared for the weather, with the correct kit in the boat with them to marshal in. Please also ensure footwear is available as your crews land; the wind is likely to be pushing crews into the stages so we need you to be as slick as possible when getting boats off the water
To re-iterate, the race is ON. If this changes we will update via the website and an e mail to contact as soon as possible.